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How to Type Ö with 2 Dots Over it on Keyboard (AKA O Umlaut)

This article will teach you how to type o with 2 dots over it on a keyboard (with alt code shortcuts), using either Mac or the Windows PC. This character (Ö) is called the O umlaut.

Without any further ado, let’s get to Work.

O with Dots Quick Guide

Just before we begin, I’ll like to give you a swift solution to get this symbol as fast as possible.

Use the button below to copy and paste the O letter with dots over it for free.

However, keep reading if you are looking to type this symbol on your keyboard.

To type o with 2 dots symbol on Windows using the o umlaut Alt Code, press and hold down the Alt key and type the code on the numeric keypad (i.e., Alt+0246 for small letter ö and Alt+0214 for capital letter Ö), then release the Alt key. For Mac users, press Option + 00D6 for uppercase or Option + 00F6 for lowercase.        

The table below contains everything you need to be able to type this character on Windows and Mac.

Uppercase O with DotsÖ
Lowercase o with Dotsö
Uppercase O With Dots Alt Code ShortcutAlt + 0214
Lowercase o With Dots Alt Code ShortcutAlt + 0246
Lowercase o with 2 Dots Shortcut for MacOption + 00F6
Uppercase O with 2 Dots Shortcut for Mac Option + 00D6
o umlaut alt codes for windows and mac

This is just a quick guide. For a more in-depth step-by-step guide on how to type o umlaut, please continue reading below.

How to use O umlaut Alt code

On windows, the “o” umlaut alt code is 0246 for the small letter o with 2 dots (ö) and 0214 for the capital letter O with two dots (Ö). On Mac, the Alt Codes are Option + 00D6 for uppercase and Option + 00F6 for lowercase.

o umlaut alt codes for windows and mac

To type O with dots using the alt code:

  • Step 1: Launch your Word document.
  • Step 2: Place the insertion pointer at the desired location.
  • Step 3: Press and hold the Alt key.
  • Step 4: Using the numeric keypad. Type the “o” umlaut Alt code (0246 for lowercase ö or 0214 for uppercase Ö)
  • Step 5: Release the Alt key to finally insert the symbol.
illustration of o umlaut alt code on windows keyboard

NOTE: Before you can see the symbol inserted, release the alt key after you type the symbol’s alt code.

Two ways to Type o with 2 dots on Mac

The fastest way to type symbols on Mac is to use the Alt Code keyboard shortcut by pressing down the Option (or Alt) key whilst pressing the Mac alt code.

However, another option involved pressing and holding the o key until the accented versions, including the O Umlaut, pop up.

Let’s see how these methods work.

Option 1: o umlaut alt code shortcut for Mac

For Mac PC users, the “o with 2 dots” alt codes are Option + 00D6 for uppercase or Option + 00F6 for lowercase. To use this shortcut, press down the Option key whilst you type the alt code (00F6 for lowercase or 00D6 for uppercase)

These Alt code shortcuts should give you the “o umlaut” (ö) character.

Option 2: type o with two dots using delayed Pressing Method

The modern version of the Mac OS comes with a straightforward way to type letters with accents. It is extremely fast. This method involves a prolonged pressing of the letter for more of its versions. Let’s see how to do this with the “o” with 2 dots over it.

To type the o umlaut on Mac:

  • Step 1: Press and hold the “o” key.
  • Step 2: Continue holding on to the key until a menu with all the “o” accented characters appears.
  • Step 3: Using your mouse, click the o umlaut symbol to insert it into your document.
  • Alternatively, press the number corresponding to the o umlaut character on the menu.

This is how you may type this symbol on Mac.

How to Insert ö in Word/Excel/PowerPoint

Using the alt code method for windows and the shortcut for Mac, you can easily type the “o” with the umlaut accent anywhere, including Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

However, if you want more options, there’s also a mouse-based approach that you can use to insert this symbol in any of the Microsoft Office programs.

Let’s see how to use this method.

Inserting O with Dots in Word

Almost all the Office programs have a command that allows you to insert any symbol or character using the Symbol’s dialog box.

Obey the following instructions to learn how to insert the “o” with 2 dots in Word using the insert symbol dialog box.

  • Open up your Word document and place the insertion pointer where you want to insert this o umlaut symbol.
  • On the Insert tab, go to Symbol > More Symbols.
Go to Symbols>More Symbols
  • The Symbol dialog box will appear. Select Latin-1 Supplement from the “Subset:” drop-down list. This will display all the symbols or characters under this category which includes the O with Dots symbol.
  • Locate the “o” with 2 dots character and double-click on it to insert.
  • Alternatively, click to select your desired symbol (Lowercase ö or Uppercase Ö) and then click on the Insert button to insert it into your document.
insert o with two dots in Word or Excel or PowerPoint
  • Close the dialog.

You may use these steps to insert this symbol in Word using the Insert Symbol dialog box.

Inserting O with Dots in Excel

Obey the following instructions to learn how to insert the “o” Umlaut in Excel using the insert symbol dialog box.

  • Open up your Excel document and place the insertion pointer in the cell where you want to insert the symbol.
  • On the Insert tab, go to Symbol > More Symbols.
Go to Symbols>More Symbols for Excel
  • The Symbol dialog box will appear. Select Latin-1 Supplement from the “Subset:” drop-down list. This will display all the symbols or characters under this category which includes the O with Dots symbol.
  • Locate the “o” with 2 dots character and double-click on it to insert.
  • Alternatively, click to select your desired symbol (Lowercase ö or Uppercase Ö) and then click on the Insert button to insert it into your document.
insert o with two dots in Word or Excel or PowerPoint
  • Close the dialog.

You may use these steps to insert this symbol in Excel using the Insert Symbol dialog box.

Inserting O with Dots in PowerPoint

Almost all the Office programs have a command that allows you to insert any symbol or character using the Symbol’s dialog box.

Obey the following instructions to learn how to insert the “o” Umaut in PowerPoint using the insert symbol dialog box.

  • Open up your PowerPoint document and place the insertion pointer where you want to insert this character.
  • On the Insert tab, and click on the Symbol button in the Symbols group.
Button to launch more symbol dialog box in PowerPoint
  • The Symbol dialog box will appear. Select Latin-1 Supplement from the “Subset:” drop-down list. This will display all the symbols or characters under this category which includes the O with Dots symbol.
  • Locate the “o” with 2 dots character and double-click on it to insert.
  • Alternatively, click to select your desired symbol (Lowercase ö or Uppercase Ö) and then click on the Insert button to insert it into your document.
insert o with two dots in Word or Excel or PowerPoint
  • Close the dialog.

You may use these steps to insert this symbol in PowerPoint using the Insert Symbol dialog box.

Copy and Paste o umlaut

One of the easiest ways to get this symbol into your document is to use the simple copy and paste method. It’ll save you some time to figure out the shortcuts and techniques to type symbols.

To copy and paste the o umlaut symbol, select the symbol or character (ö or Ö) and press Ctrl+C to copy. Switch over to your document where you need it and press Ctrl+V to paste.

You can find both the lowercase and uppercase characters in the table below.

Small letter o UmlautCapital letter O Umlaut


As you can see, there are several ways to type or insert the o umlaut (or o with two dots) sign into your document.

However, using the alt code method on Windows is very handy, provided you know the alt code of the character you want to type.

For Mac users, using the shortcut or long-press method is also very easy.

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