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Keyboard Shortcuts for Symbols (Type Alt Codes)

Windows has interesting keyboard shortcuts for symbols that don’t correspond to a key on the keyboard.

Using these shortcuts, you can insert any symbol by holding down the ALT key and typing the symbol’s ALT codes.

This is known as the “ALT code” shortcut. And I believe this is the most efficient way to type certain symbols on the Windows keyboard.

This page lists the keyboard shortcuts for Symbols that you can use on any Windows PC.

Here are the steps you must take to use these shortcuts to type any symbol:

  • Launch the text editor where you want to type the symbol.
  • Position your cursor where you want to type the symbol.
  • Hold down the Alt key.
  • While holding down the Alt key, enter the Alt code for the symbol you want to type (E.g. ALT + 0163 will give you the Pound symbol)
  • Then release the Alt key.

NOTE: To use these Keyboard Shortcuts for Symbols, your PC or laptop keyboard must have a separate numeric keypad on the right. If your keyboard lacks this num pad, you can enable it by pressing Fn+NmLk or connecting an external keyboard.

The tables below list a variety of ALT code shortcuts that you can use to type any Symbol on Windows by following the steps outlined above.

NOTE: Some of these Alt Codes can only be used in Microsoft Word. If a symbol does not work for you, try it in Microsoft Word.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Math Symbols

Math Symbol DescriptionMath SymbolMath Symbol Shortcut
Per MilleAlt + 0137
Not Symbol¬Alt + 0172
Degree°Alt + 0176
Plus or Minus±Alt + 0177
Power of Two (Square)²Alt + 0178
Power of Three (Cube)³Alt + 0179
MicronµAlt + 0181
One fourth fraction¼Alt + 0188
One half fraction½Alt + 0189
Three fourth fraction¾Alt + 0190
Multiply×Alt + 0215
PhiØAlt + 0216
Division÷Alt + 0247
SummationAlt + 8721
Minus or PlusAlt + 8723
Square RootAlt + 8730 or 251
Cube RootAlt + 8731
Fourth RootAlt + 8732
Open InfinityAlt + 8733
Closed InfinityAlt + 8734
L symbolAlt + 8735
AngleAlt + 8737
Parallel (Slant)Alt + 8741
Calculus SymbolAlt + 8747
Calculus SymbolAlt + 8748
Calculus SymbolAlt + 8750
Calculus SymbolAlt + 8751
ApproximateAlt + 8771

Keyboard Shortcuts for Currency Symbols

Currency Symbols DescriptionCurrency SymbolCurrency Symbol Shortcuts
Euro CurrencyAlt + 0128
Dutch FlorinƒAlt + 0131
Cent¢Alt + 0162
Pound£Alt + 0163
General Currency¤Alt + 0164
Japanese Yen¥Alt + 0165
French FrancAlt + 8355
British PoundAlt + 8356
Mill SignAlt + 8357
Nigerian NairaAlt + 8358
Spanish PesetaAlt + 8359
Indian RupeeAlt + 8360
South Korean WonAlt + 8361
Israeli New SheqelAlt + 8362
Vietnamese DongAlt + 8363
EuroAlt + 8364
Laos KipAlt + 8365
Mongolian TugrikAlt + 8366
Greece DrachmaAlt + 8367
German Penny SignAlt + 8368
Philippine PesoAlt + 8369
Paraguayan GuaraniAlt + 8370
Argentine AustralAlt + 8371
Ukrainian HryvniaAlt + 8372
CentAlt + 8373
Indian Rupee SymbolAlt + 8377
Turkish LiraAlt + 8378
Russian RubleAlt + 8381
EuroAlt + Ctrl + E

Keyboard Shortcuts for Special Characters

Special Character DescriptionSpecial CharacterSpecial Character Shortcut
Three dots continuationAlt + 0133
DaggerAlt + 0134
Double DaggerAlt + 0135
Cap ArrowˆAlt + 0136
Single Angle Quotation LeftAlt + 0139
Big DotAlt + 0149
En-dash symbolAlt + 0150
Em-dash symbolAlt + 0151
TrademarkAlt + 0153
Single Angle Quotation RightAlt + 0155
Down Exclamation Mark¡Alt + 0161
Pipeline with Break¦Alt + 0166
Section Symbol§Alt + 0167
Copyright©Alt + 0169
Feminine Ordinal NumberªAlt + 0170
Double Angle Quotation Left«Alt + 0171
Double Less than Mark«Alt + 0171
Registered®Alt + 0174
Upper Dash¯Alt + 0175
ParagraphAlt + 0182
Center Dot·Alt + 0183
Citation One¹Alt + 0185
Masculine Ordinal NumberºAlt + 0186
Double Angle Quotation Right»Alt + 0187
Double Greater than Mark»Alt + 0187
Down Question Mark¿Alt + 0191
PencilAlt + 10000
NibAlt + 10001
Bold NibAlt + 10002
Tick MarkAlt + 10003
Bold Tick MarkAlt + 10004
Cross MarkAlt + 10005
Bold Cross MarkAlt + 10006
Styles Cross MarkAlt + 10007
Bold Style Cross MarkAlt + 10008
Embossed PlusAlt + 10009
Bold PlusAlt + 10010
CursorAlt + 10011
Bold CursorAlt + 10012
Simple CrossAlt + 10013
Jesus CrossAlt + 10014
Embossed CrossAlt + 10015
Maltese CrossAlt + 10016
Four Teardrop Spoked AsteriskAlt + 10018
Four Balloon Spoked AsteriskAlt + 10019
Bold Four Balloon Spoked AsteriskAlt + 10020
Four Clubs Spoked AsteriskAlt + 10021
Open Center AsteriskAlt + 10034
Eight Spoked AsteriskAlt + 10035
Sixteen Spoked AsteriskAlt + 10042
FlowerAlt + 10045
Flower DonutAlt + 10050
SnowflakeAlt + 10052
Shaded SquareAlt + 10065
Curly LoopAlt + 10160
Triangle DotsAlt + 8756
Down Triangle DotsAlt + 8757
Four Square DotsAlt + 8759
Double DivideAlt + 8762
Cap^Alt + 94
Telephone BlackAlt + 9742
Telephone WhiteAlt + 9743
Tick Mark Inside BoxAlt + 9745
Checked BoxAlt + 9746
Cross MarkAlt + 9747
Hand Black LeftAlt + 9754
Hand Black RightAlt + 9755
Hand White LeftAlt + 9756
Hand White UpAlt + 9757
Hand White RightAlt + 9758
Hand White DownAlt + 9759
Danger SymbolAlt + 9760
Smiling Light SmileyAlt + 9786
Smiling Dark SmileyAlt + 9787
ContinuationAlt + Ctrl + .
Copyright©Alt + Ctrl + C
Registered®Alt + Ctrl + R
TrademarkAlt + Ctrl + T

Keyboard Shortcuts for Arrow Symbols

Arrow Symbol DescriptionArrow SymbolArrow Symbol Shortcut
Bold South East ArrowAlt + 10136
Bold Right ArrowAlt + 10137
Bold North East ArrowAlt + 10138
Drafting Point Right ArrowAlt + 10139
Bold Round Tipped Right ArrowAlt + 10140
Triangle Head Right ArrowAlt + 10141
Bold Triangle Head Right ArrowAlt + 10142
Dashed Triangle Head Right ArrowAlt + 10143
Bold Dashed Triangle Head Right ArrowAlt + 10144
Black Right ArrowAlt + 10145
3D Top Lighted Right ArrowAlt + 10146
3D Bottom Lighted Right ArrowAlt + 10147
Black Right Arrow HeadAlt + 10148
Bold Down Curved Right ArrowAlt + 10149
Bold Up Curved Right ArrowAlt + 10150
Squat Right ArrowAlt + 10151
Bold Concave Black Right ArrowAlt + 10152
Right Shadowed White Right ArrowAlt + 10153
Left Shadowed White Right ArrowAlt + 10154
Back Tilted Shadowed White Right ArrowAlt + 10155
Front Tilted Shadowed White Right ArrowAlt + 10156
Bold Lower Shadowed White Right ArrowAlt + 10157
Bold Upper Shadowed White Right ArrowAlt + 10158
Notched Lower Shadowed White Right ArrowAlt + 10159
Notched Upper Shadowed White Right ArrowAlt + 10161
Circled Bold White Right ArrowAlt + 10162
White Feathered Right ArrowAlt + 10163
Black Feathered South East ArrowAlt + 10164
Black Feathered Right ArrowAlt + 10165
Black Feathered North East ArrowAlt + 10166
Bold Black Feathered South East ArrowAlt + 10167
Bold Black Feathered Right ArrowAlt + 10168
Bold Black Feathered North East ArrowAlt + 10169
Teardrop Barbed Right ArrowAlt + 10170
Bold Teardrop Shanked Right ArrowAlt + 10171
Wedge Tailed Right ArrowAlt + 10172
Bold Wedge Tailed Right ArrowAlt + 10173
Open Outlined Right ArrowAlt + 10174
Double Curly LoopAlt + 10175

Keyboard Shortcuts for Accented Letters

Accented Letter DescriptionAccented LetterAccented Letter Shortcut
Umlaut Y CapitalŸAlt + 0159
Grave A CapitalÀAlt + 0192
Acute A CapitalÁAlt + 0193
Circumflex A CapitalÂAlt + 0194
Tilde A CapitalÃAlt + 0195
Umlaut A CapitalÄAlt + 0196
Grave E CapitalÈAlt + 0200
Acute E CapitalÉAlt + 0201
Circumflex E Capital Alt + 0202
Umlaut E CapitalËAlt + 0203
Grave I CapitalÌAlt + 0204
Acute I CapitalÍAlt + 0205
Circumflex I CapitalÎAlt + 0206
Umlaut I CapitalÏAlt + 0207
Tilde I CapitalÑAlt + 0209
Grave O CapitalÒAlt + 0210
Acute O CapitalÓAlt + 0211
Circumflex O CapitalÔAlt + 0212
Tilde O CapitalÕAlt + 0213
Umlaut O CapitalÖAlt + 0214
Grave U CapitalÙAlt + 0217
Acute U CapitalÙAlt + 0218
Circumflex U CapitalÛAlt + 0219
Umlaut U CapitalÜAlt + 0220
Acute Y CapitalÝAlt + 0221
Grave a SmallàAlt + 0224
Acute a SmalláAlt + 0225
Circumflex a SmallâAlt + 0226
Tilde a SmallãAlt + 0227
Umlaut a SmalläAlt + 0228
Grave e SmallèAlt + 0232
Acute e SmalléAlt + 0233
Circumflex e SmallêAlt + 0234
Umlaut e SmallëAlt + 0235
Grave i SmallìAlt + 0236
Acute i SmallíAlt + 0237
Circumflex i SmallîAlt + 0238
Umlaut i SmallïAlt + 0239
Tilde i SmallñAlt + 0241
Grave o SmallòAlt + 0242
Acute o SmallóAlt + 0243
Circumflex o SmallôAlt + 0244
Tilde o SmallõAlt + 0245
Umlaut o SmallöAlt + 0246
Grave u SmallùAlt + 0249
Acute u SmallúAlt + 0250
Circumflex u SmallûAlt + 0251
Umlaut u SmallüAlt + 0252
Acute y SmallýAlt + 0253
Umlaut y SmallÿAlt + 0255

Keyboard Shortcuts for Chess Symbols

Chess Symbols DescriptionChess SymbolChess Symbol Shortcut
King WhiteAlt + 9812
Queen WhiteAlt + 9813
Rook WhiteAlt + 9814
Bishop WhiteAlt + 9815
Knight WhiteAlt + 9816
Pawn WhiteAlt + 9817
King BlackAlt + 9818
Queen BlackAlt + 9819
Rook BlackAlt + 9820
Bishop BlackAlt + 9821
Knight BlackAlt + 9822
Pawn BlackAlt + 9823

Keyboard Shortcuts for Heart Symbols

DescriptionSymbolHeart Shortcut
LoveAlt + 3
Exclamation with HeartAlt + 10083
Tilted HeartsAlt + 10085
Floral HeartAlt + 10086
Rotated Floral HeartAlt + 10087

Keyboard Shortcuts for Default Keyboard Characters

Intermediate˜Alt + 0152
Hyphen or Dash­-Alt + 0173
Small Letter ddAlt + 100
Small Letter eEAlt + 101
Small Letter ffAlt + 102
Small Letter ggAlt + 103
Small Letter hhAlt + 104
Small Letter iiAlt + 105
Small Letter jjAlt + 106
Small Letter kkAlt + 107
Small Letter llAlt + 108
Small Letter mmAlt + 109
Small Letter nnAlt + 110
Small Letter ooAlt + 111
Small Letter ppAlt + 112
Small Letter qqAlt + 113
Small Letter rrAlt + 114
Small Letter ssAlt + 115
Small Letter ttAlt + 116
Small Letter uuAlt + 117
Small Letter vvAlt + 118
Small Letter wwAlt + 119
Small Letter xxAlt + 120
Small Letter yyAlt + 121
Small Letter zzAlt + 122
Left Brace or Curly Bracket{Alt + 123
Pipeline|Alt + 124
Right Brace or Curly Bracket}Alt + 125
Intermediate or Approximate~Alt + 126
Minus or Dash or HyphenAlt + 30
Single Exclamation!Alt + 33
Double QuoteAlt + 34
Hash or Ampersand#Alt + 35
Dollar Symbol$Alt + 36
Percentage%Alt + 37
And Symbol&Alt + 38
Single QuoteAlt + 39
Left Round Bracket or Parenthesis(Alt + 40
Right Round Bracket or Parenthesis)Alt + 41
Asterisk or Multiplication*Alt + 42
Plus Sign+Alt + 43
Comma,Alt + 44
Minus or Dash or HyphenAlt + 45
Dot or Full stop.Alt + 46
Right Slash/Alt + 47
Zero0Alt + 48
One1Alt + 49
Two2Alt + 50
Three3Alt + 51
Four4Alt + 52
Five5Alt + 53
Six6Alt + 54
Seven7Alt + 55
Eight8Alt + 56
Nine9Alt + 57
Colon:Alt + 58
Semicolon;Alt + 59
Less than or Left Angle Bracket / ChevronAlt + 60
Is Equal to=Alt + 61
Greater than or Right Angle Bracket / ChevronAlt + 62
Question Mark?Alt + 63
At the Rate@Alt + 64
Capital Letter AAAlt + 65
Capital Letter BBAlt + 66
Capital Letter CCAlt + 67
Capital Letter DDAlt + 68
Capital Letter EEAlt + 69
Capital Letter FFAlt + 70
Capital Letter GGAlt + 71
Capital Letter HHAlt + 72
Capital Letter IIAlt + 73
Capital Letter JJAlt + 74
Capital Letter KKAlt + 75
Capital Letter LLAlt + 76
Capital Letter MMAlt + 77
Capital Letter NNAlt + 78
Capital Letter OOAlt + 79
Capital Letter PPAlt + 80
Capital Letter QQAlt + 81
Capital Letter RRAlt + 82
Capital Letter SSAlt + 83
Capital Letter TTAlt + 84
Capital Letter UUAlt + 85
Capital Letter VVAlt + 86
Capital Letter WWAlt + 87
Capital Letter XXAlt + 88
Capital Letter YYAlt + 89
Capital Letter ZZAlt + 90
Left Bracket[Alt + 91
Left Slash\Alt + 92
Right Bracket]Alt + 93
Underscore_Alt + 95
Apostrophe`Alt + 96
Small Letter aaAlt + 97
Small Letter bbAlt + 98
Small Letter cCAlt + 99

Keyboard Shortcuts for Language Symbols

Capital S with CaronŠAlt + 0138
Capital O-E LigatureŒAlt + 0140
Capital Z with CaronŽAlt + 0142
Small s with CaronšAlt + 0154
Small o-e LigatureœAlt + 0156
Small z with CaronžAlt + 0158
Capital Nordic A RingÅAlt + 0197
Capital A-E LigatureÆAlt + 0198
Capital C French CedilleÇAlt + 0199
Old English Eth (Capital)ÐAlt + 0208
Capital Nordic O SlashØAlt + 0216
Old English Thorn (Capital)ÞAlt + 0222
German Sharp SßAlt + 0223
Small Nordic a RingåAlt + 0229
Small a-e LigatureæAlt + 0230
Small C French CedilleçAlt + 0231
Old English Eth (Small)ðAlt + 0240
Small Nordic O SlashøAlt + 0248
Old English Thorn (Small)þAlt + 0254

Keyboard Shortcuts for Musical Symbols

Musical Symbol DescriptionMusical SymbolSymbol Shortcut
Crotchet or Quarter noteAlt + 9833
Quaver or Eighth noteAlt + 9834
Musical Single BarAlt + 9835
Musical Double BarAlt + 9836
Flat NoteAlt + 9837
Natural NoteAlt + 9838
Sharp NoteAlt + 9839

Keyboard Shortcuts for Play cards Symbols

Symbol DescriptionSymbolShortcuts
HeartsAlt + 10084
Spades DarkAlt + 9824
Hearts LightAlt + 9825
Spades LightAlt + 9826
Clubs DarkAlt + 9827
Spades LightAlt + 9828
Hearts DarkAlt + 9829
Diamonds DarkAlt + 9830
Clubs LightAlt + 9831

Keyboard Shortcuts for Zodiac Symbols

Symbol DescriptionSymbolSymbol Shortcut
AriesAlt + 9800
TaurusAlt + 9801
GeminiAlt + 9802
CancerAlt + 9803
LeoAlt + 9804
VirgoAlt + 9805
LibraAlt + 9806
ScorpioAlt + 9807
SagittariusAlt + 9808
CapricornAlt + 9809
AquariusAlt + 9810
PiscesAlt + 9811

Keyboard Shortcuts for Numbers in Circles Symbols

Numbers in Circles DescriptionNumbers in Circles SymbolNumbers in Circles Shortcut
Black Circled OneAlt + 10102
Black Circled TwoAlt + 10103
Black Circled ThreeAlt + 10104
Black Circled FourAlt + 10105
Black Circled FiveAlt + 10106
Black Circled SixAlt + 10107
Black Circled SevenAlt + 10108
Black Circled EightAlt + 10109
Black Circled NineAlt + 10110
Black Circled TenAlt + 10111
White Circled OneAlt + 10112
White Circled TwoAlt + 10113
White Circled ThreeAlt + 10114
White Circled FourAlt + 10115
White Circled FiveAlt + 10116
White Circled SixAlt + 10117
White Circled SevenAlt + 10118
White Circled EightAlt + 10119
White Circled NineAlt + 10120
White Circled TenAlt + 10121

Keyboard Shortcuts for Star Symbols

Star Symbol DescriptionStar SymbolStar Symbol Shortcut
Six Star (Star of David)Alt + 10017
Black Four-Pointed StarAlt + 10022
White Four-Pointed StarAlt + 10023
SparklesAlt + 10024
Five-Pointed StarAlt + 10025
Five-Pointed Star in CircleAlt + 10026
White Center Black StarAlt + 10027
Black Center White StarAlt + 10028
Outlined Black StarAlt + 10029
Bold Outlined Black StarAlt + 10030
Pinwheel StarAlt + 10031
White Star with ShadowAlt + 10032
Eight Point Black StarAlt + 10036
Eight Point Pinwheel StarAlt + 10037
Six Point Black StarAlt + 10038
Eight Point Rectilinear Black StarAlt + 10039
Bold Eight Point Rectilinear Black StarAlt + 10040
Twelve Point Black StarAlt + 10041


To summarize, we have reached the end of the list of Keyboard Shortcuts for Symbol.

Thank you so much for spending your time scanning this reference.

To inquire about these symbols or Shortcuts, please post your questions or concerns in the comments below.


  1. Wow, this is really cool! thanks for putting so much effort into this♥♥♥ If I may give one suggestion, maybe an updated version with symbols from the Hebrew alphabet, really appreciate it!

  2. I am looking for the letter B with the line above it. The A version is “alt 256” which is not working here for some reason. But I need the letter B with the line above it for logic course that represents “not included” n(A), n(B) the Line goes with these two but their opposites. What is that hot key?

  3. Please, I am looking for the fire symbol, specifically the black one, NOT the orange colored either. Thank you in advance.

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