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Arrow Alt Code: Type any arrow symbol on Keyboard

Before you learn the steps to type arrows, you can use the button below to copy and paste the right arrow symbol:

There are several kinds of arrows with different shapes and designs.

These different arrows have different shortcuts and alt codes.

So, in this article, I will show you the step by step guide to type each of these arrows in Word/Excel or Windows/Mac using the keyboard shortcuts and alt codes.

Without any further ado, let’s get to work.

How to type an Arrow in Windows

There are several options you can use to get the arrow symbol on your Windows PC. I will, however, show you the arrow alt code shortcuts that will help you to type arrows anywhere on Windows including Word/Excel/PowerPoint.

MS Word Shortcut: The easiest way to get the arrow symbol in Word is to type –> (two dashes followed by the greater than symbol). Using AutoCorrect, Word will simply correct what you typed into a rightward arrow.

Arrow shortcut in Word

Using the Arrow Alt Code

right arrow alt code

The arrow symbol alt code is 26 (for rightwards arrow). To type this arrow on your PC using the alt code: press and hold the alt key, then type the code (26) using the numeric keypad. Use the following alt codes to type the other types of arrows.

Arrow alt codes and shortcuts table:

SymbolDescriptionAlt CodeShortcut
Leftwards arrow27Alt + 27
Rightwards arrow26Alt + 26
left right arrow29Alt + 29
Upwards arrow24Alt + 24
Downwards arrow25Alt + 25
Up down arrow23Alt + 23

Note: This method works anywhere on Windows including Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. If you are on Mac, you should try using the next method that shows you two easy ways to get the arrow symbols anywhere on Mac.

different arrow alt codes

Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to type the arrow symbol anywhere on your Windows PC including Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

  • First, open up the document where you want to type the arrow symbol. It could be Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or even in your Web browser where text can be typed.
  • Turn on your Num Lock key. In other words, ensure that the keys on the numeric keypad are not disabled.
  • Press and hold the Alt key, and using the numeric keypad, type the alt code of the character you wish to type. The alt codes of the various arrow symbols are listed in the table above.
  • Now release the Alt key after typing the alt code on the numeric keypad.

NOTE: This option is only for Windows users. To type an arrow on Mac, refer to the next method.

How to Type Arrow on Mac

Using the Alt code method works only on Windows computers.

If you are on Mac, there are two easy ways to get these arrows into your work. These methods are explained below:

Option 1: Using Emoji and Symbols menu

To insert any kind of arrow with this option:

  • Click Edit in the Menu Bar
  • At the bottom of the drop-down menu, select Emoji & Symbols.
insert arrow symbol on Mac
  • The Characters window will appear, select the Arrows group in the Characters menu.
Insert arrow symbol on Mac
  • On the Arrows category you’ll see a lot of arrows in different designs and shapes, double click the arrow of your choice to insert it into your works.

Option 2: Using AutoCorrect on Mac

Just like in Microsoft Word, you can also add autocorrect in preferences so that you can easily type symbols using some unique characters known to you alone.

For instance, you can use –> for the rightward arrows symbol (→). This way, whenever you type two dashes and then the greater-than symbol (–>), Mac will convert it into an arrow.

To make these settings on Mac:

  • Open System Preferences and click on Keyboard.
  • Under the Text tab, click the plus (+) button near the bottom left of the window.
typing arrow symbol on Mac
  • Enter the –> in the Replace column.
  • Enter the arrow symbol (à) in the With column.

Now, Mac will autocorrect –> to an arrow (→) as you type.

Typing arrow Symbols in Word or Excel or PowerPoint

There are several ways to get the arrow symbol on Word or Excel or PowerPoint. One of these several ways is the use of the arrow Alt Code method for Windows users.

Thus, if you are on Windows, you can type the arrow symbol in Word or Excel by pressing down the alt key whilst you type the arrow alt code (26) on the numeric keypad.

Below are two more ways you can get the arrow symbols onto your Word or Microsoft Excel document.

Option 1: Using the Insert Equation Tool for Arrow Symbols

Obey the following instructions to type the arrow symbol in Word using the Equation command.

  • Place the cursor where you want to type the arrow symbol.
  • Press Alt+= on the keyboard to introduce the equation field. The equation field looks like the screenshot below:
type equation tool
  • In the Type equation here box, type -> (a dash – followed by a greater than > symbol), then press the spacebar.

See screenshot:

typing arrow with the equation tool

As soon as you type the ->, the right arrow will be inserted in the equation field. If you need a left ward arrow: type \gets or \leftarrow in the equation.

The table below shows more shortcuts for different types of arrows.

To type the left arrow ←Press [Alt]+[=], then \leftarrow or \gets
To type the right arrow →Press [Alt]+[=], then \-> or \rightarrow
To type the up arrow ↑Press [Alt]+[=], then \uparrow
To type down arrow ↓Press [Alt]+[=], then \leftarrow
To type up down arrow ↕Press [Alt]+[=], then \updownarrow
To type left right arrow ↔Press [Alt]+[=], then \leftrightarrow

To discover more arrow symbols with the equation tool, as soon as you press [Alt]+[=] shortcut, the Equation Tool > Design tab will appear. On this tab, under the Symbols group, click the More Symbols drop-down. Then on the top right corner of the drop-down menu, click the category dropdown and select Arrow from the list.

More Arrows in the Equation symbols

Option 2: Insert Arrows Using the Insert Symbol Method

Using the insert symbol method is a mouse-based approach to inserting the arrow symbol in Word/Excel/PowerPoint. With this approach, you don’t have to use the keyboard. Just your mouse.

Without any further ado, below are the instructions to insert the arrow symbol in Word/Excel:

Note: I will use screenshots for Microsoft Word. However, the process is the same for Excel and PowerPoint.

  • Go to Insert>Symbol>More Symbols.
Go to Symbols>More Symbols

This action should display the Symbol’s dialog box.

  • Locate the arrow symbol from the Symbol window.

Search for the arrow symbol by scrolling up or down using the scroll bar.

To find the symbol easily, at the top right section of the dialog, select Arrows in the Subset drop-down list.

All the available arrow symbols will become visible in the Symbol window.

See screenshot below:

insert arrows in Word/Excel/PowerPoint
  • Select the arrow you want to insert, and click the Insert button. Alternatively, double-click on the arrow symbol to insert it into your document, then click the Cancel button to close the dialog.

This is how you may insert the Arrow symbol into Word/Excel/PowerPoint.

Copy and Paste Arrow Symbols

One of the simplest ways to get the arrow symbols is to copy and paste them.

All you need to do is select the arrow somewhere, like a web page. The right-click on the select and select copy from the shortcut menu. Then switch to the app where you need the symbol and press Ctrl+V to paste the copied arrow.

Below are the arrow symbols if you want to copy and paste them into your work.

Copy & Paste Right Arrow:

Copy & Paste Left Arrow:

Copy & Paste Up Arrow:

Copy & Paste Down Arrow:

Copy & Paste Double Left Right Arrow:

Copy & Paste Up Down Double Arrow:

Copy & Paste North West Arrow:

Copy & Paste North East Arrow:

Copy & Paste South East Arrow:

Copy & Paste South West Arrow:

Copy & Paste Up Down Arrow with Base:


Using the arrow alt code method, as shown at the beginning of this article, is my ideal method of type arrow anywhere on Windows.

However, in Microsoft Word, the best and fastest way is to use the AutoCorrect option (–>). This option is also available on Mac if you take your time to set it up in the preferences setting.

Let me know in the comments section below if you have any suggestions or questions concerning the arrow symbol.

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