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How to Type Check Mark & Checkbox Symbols in Word [ ☑✓□ ] (+ Alt Code)

A check mark ✓ (or checkbox ☑) is a symbol used to indicate the concept of “yes” in the English language.

clickable checkmark symbol in Word
non-clickable check mark symbol in Word

In this tutorial, you will learn how to type the checkmark symbol in Microsoft Word using the keyboard or mouse.

NOTE: Different application has different methods for typing the checkmark symbol. I will teach you how to type the checkmark symbol in Word in this post. Later, I’ll write on how it can be typed on other Office Applications in a separate blog post.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

How to Type Check Mark Symbol (✓) in Word

In Word, there are several ways available for you to type the checkmark symbol.

In this section, I’ll go through each one of these methods one after the other.

Let’s begin with the easiest options.

Type check mark symbol in Word using Alt Code

The alt code to type the checkbox symbol in Word is 10003. Use 10004 for a heavy checkmark.

To use this alt code type the check mark symbol in Word, obey the following instructions:

  • Place the cursor where you want to type the checkmark.
  • Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard.
  • While pressing down the Alt key, type the checkmark alt code which is 10003 or 10004 for a heavy checkmark. For this to work, you must use the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard.
  • After typing the checkmark symbol alt code, release the Alt key.

As soon as you release the alt key, the symbol will be inserted at the cursor’s current location in your document.

This is how you may use the check mark symbol alt code in Microsoft Word.

Using Keyboard Shortcut to type Checkmark in Word

The Keyboard shortcut for check mark symbol in Microsoft Word is 2713, Alt+X.

Note: this checkmark symbol shortcut works only in Microsoft Word.

Below is a step by step guide on how to use this shortcut to type the check mark symbol into your Word document:

  • First of all, place the insertion pointer at where you wish to type the checkmark.
  • Next, type the checkmark alt code which is 2713.
  • After typing the alt code, highlight it and press Alt+X on your keyboard.
Check mark symbol alt code shortcut

As soon as you press the Alt+X shortcut, the checkmark alt code (2713) will convert into the check mark symbol.

This is how you may type the check-mark sign in Word using the alt code keyboard shortcut.

Using the Symbol’s dialog

Aside from typing the check mark symbol with the keyboard shortcut, there is also a mouse-based approach to get this symbol into your Word document.

Just obey the following instructions:

  • Place the cursor where you want to insert the checkmark.
  • Go to the Insert tab.
Click on the Insert tab
  • In the Symbols group, select Symbol>More Symbols.
Go to Symbols>More Symbols
  • The Symbol dialog box will appear. On this dialog box, click on the Font: drop-down and select Wingdings 2 from the list. More advanced symbols will appear. Locate the Checkmark symbol from these symbols and double-click on it to insert it into your document. Alternatively, just click to select it and then hit the Insert button.
How to insert check mark symbol in Word

NOTE: If you need to insert this symbol often in your document, you don’t have to go through all these steps each time you need it. Instead, copy it to your clipboard and hit Ctrl+V to paste it whenever the need arises.

This is how you may get the check mark symbol in Word using the insert symbol dialog box.

Adding Clickable and non-clickable check marks in Word

This approach is right for you if you have a list of options that users are supposed to choose from.

The clickable checkbox is interactive. It allows the user to place a check mark by clicking on the checkbox symbol.

On the other hand, the non-interactive check mark is just a visual check mark symbol that you cannot click to check or uncheck the symbol.

clickable checkmark symbol in Word

Interactive checkbox

non-clickable check mark symbol in Word

Non-interactive checkbox

I will show you how to add clickable and non-clickable checkmarks to your list of options in Microsoft Word.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

Ho to insert Non-Clickable checkmark in Word

Obey the following instructions to add this symbol to a list of options in Microsoft Word.

  • Begin by typing all the options in a list. Begin each option on a new line.
How to type checkmark in Word
  • Highlight all the options you’ve just typed. Then click on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click on the bullet list drop-down.
Select the bullet list drop-down button
  • From the Bullet List drop-down menu, select the symbol you want to use as bullet. In this case we will select the check mark symbol. If this is your first time of using this symbol as bullet, you may not find it from this drop-down. If that’s like you, please jump to the next step.
Select the check mark symbol as bullet point
  • If you can’t find the check mark symbol on this drop-down, click on the Define New Bullet… button at the bottom.
Degine new bullet button
  • The Define New Bullet dialog box will appear. In the Bullet Character category, click on the Symbol… button to launch the Symbol dialog.
Select the Symbol... button
  • From the Symbol dialog, click on the Font: drop-down and select Wingdings or Wingdings 2 from the list. More advanced symbols will appear. Locate the Checkmark symbol from this library of symbols, click to select it and then hit the Insert button.
How to insert check mark symbol in Word
  • After specify the bullet symbol, click on the OK button on the Define New Bullet dialog.
How to type check mark symbol in Word

The checkmark symbol you select will be used as bullets. You can use other symbols as well. For example, if you want to add a checkbox without the check mark symbol inside it, select the checkbox symbol from the symbol’s dialog box.

Check box symbol from the symbol's dialog box

Someone may also want some of the checkboxes checked and others unchecked. If that’s like you, you should consider adding a clickable checkbox symbol instead. This way, you can manually click to check and uncheck the options.

clickable checkmark symbol in Word

In the next section, I’ll explain how to add clickable check boxes in Word.

Inserting Clickable Checkmark Symbols in Word

The clickable checkmark symbols allow users of your document to select and deselect the checkboxes as illustrated below:

clickable checkmark symbol in Word

Adding this type of checkmark symbol requires you to use the developer tab on the ribbon. This tab is not visible by default.

Thus, first of all, look and see whether there’s a tab named Developer on the ribbon.

Microsoft Word Developer tab

If you seem not to find the Developer tab on the ribbon, you’ll therefore need to take steps to add it to the ribbon. Just obey the following instructions.

Adding the Developer tab

To add the developer tab in Word:

  • Right-click anywhere on the Ribbon and select Customize Ribbon from the shortcut menu.
Customize ribbon
  • The Word Options dialog box will appear with the Customize Ribbon category displayed. On the right side of this dialog box, click to select the Developer checkbox, then click on the OK button. If this is checked, the Developer tab will now become visible.
Showing the Developer tab in Word

Now that you have the developer tab visible on your ribbon, follow the remaining steps below to add clickable checkboxes and checkmarks into your Word document:

  • Click to place the cursor where you want to add the checkmark.
Place the cursor Where to type the checkmark symbol in Word
  • Click on the Developer Tab.
Microsoft Word Developer tab
  • In the Controls category, click the Checkbox button.
Click the Checkbox button in the Contro category

The checkbox button will be added exactly where you placed your insertion pointer.

how to type checkmark symbol in Word
  • Follow the same steps to add the checkbox to the rest of the items. Or, copy and paste the checkbox at the beginning of each line.
copy and paste the checkmark symbol to where you need it to be

By default, clicking on this checkbox will mark an “X” symbol instead of the tick mark we want to see. The X sign is not what we want. We want to see a tick mark inside the tick box when clicked. You can change it to include any symbol you want (like this: ☑). Continue the steps below to learn how to change the checked symbol.

  • Click to select the symbol.
  • Go to the Developer tab, in the Controls category, click on Properties.
Click the Symbols properties
  • In the Content Control Properties dialog, click on the Change button next to the Checked symbol option.
click on the Change button
  • The Symbol dialog box appears. Select Webdings 2 from the Font dropdown to display some of the Microsoft Word Advanced Symbols.
  • Locate the tickbox symbol and click on it.
Locate the tick symbol from the symbol's dialog
  • Also, click the OK button for the Content Control Properties dialog.

Now you should have a tick on your checkbox whenever you click on it.

clickable checkmark symbol in Word

This how you may create a clickable check box or tick box into Microsoft Word documents.

Inserting Checkmark in Word Using the Wingdings font

This option is my least favorite approach to type certain symbols like the check mark symbol in Word. You need to know the symbol’s character code before hand, and you must also change the font before you can get the symbol. But if you can’t find the symbol you want to insert in the Symbol’s dialog, this approach is a helpful solution to consider even though it’s too much work.

Obey the following instructions if you want to type the check mark symbol in Word using the Wingdings front approach.

  • Place your curser where you want to type the check mark symbol.
  • Press Alt+0252 to type the plain check mark symbol or Alt+0254 to type the boxed checkmark symbol.

Holding down the alt key, use the numeric keypad and type the character code 0252 for the plain check mark symbol. Use 0254 for the boxed check mark symbol. You may have to press the Num Lock key to be able to use the numeric keypad.

After pressing the character code with the alt code pressed down, release the alt code. A new character ( ü ) will be inserted into your document.

  • Don’t panic, that isn’t all the steps. Highlight this new character and apply the Windings font.
apply the wingdings font

As soon as you apply the Wingdings font, you’ll get the check mark symbol into your document.

These are all the available ways to easily type the check mark symbol in Word.

If you have any question concerning this post, please drop it in the comments section below.

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