AVImark keyboard shortcuts
AVImark is a veterinary practice management software system designed to help veterinarians and veterinary clinics manage their operations efficiently. It offers a range of features and tools to streamline various aspects of running a veterinary practice.
The popular veterinary practice management software offers various keyboard shortcuts to enhance user efficiency and productivity. These shortcuts allow users to quickly access different features and perform common tasks without relying solely on the mouse. Here is an extensive list of AVImark keyboard shortcuts categorized by their respective functions.
Keyboard Shortcuts Used in AVImark
AVImark may not have extensive built-in keyboard shortcuts like some other software applications. However, there are some general keyboard shortcuts that typically work in many Windows-based programs, including AVImark.
Keep in mind that the availability of specific keyboard shortcuts may vary depending on the version of AVImark you are using. Here are some common keyboard shortcuts that may be applicable.:
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General Shortcuts
1. F1 – Help:
Pressing the F1 key opens the Help menu, which provides assistance and guidance on using AVImark. It allows users to access the software’s documentation, tutorials, and other resources to find answers to their queries or learn more about specific features.
2. F9 – Open Appointment Calendar:
The F9 key is used to open the Appointment Calendar in AVImark. This calendar displays all scheduled appointments, allowing users to view, edit, or create new appointments for patients. It provides a visual representation of the daily schedule and helps manage appointments efficiently.
3. F11 – Refresh:
Pressing F11 triggers a refresh action in AVImark. This command reloads the current page or screen, ensuring that any recent changes or updates are reflected immediately. It is particularly useful when multiple users are working simultaneously on the same database, as it helps maintain real-time synchronization.
4. F12 – Logout:
The F12 key is used to log out of AVImark. When pressed, it prompts the user to confirm their intention to log out and closes the software session securely. This shortcut is handy for quickly ending a session or switching between different user accounts.
5. Alt + F10 – Open Whiteboard:
By pressing Alt + F10 together, users can open the Whiteboard feature in AVImark. The Whiteboard serves as a digital notepad where important notes, reminders, or messages can be written down for easy reference. It acts as a virtual bulletin board within the software.
6. ↑ Shift + F9 – Open Boarding Calendar:
The combination of Shift + F9 opens the Boarding Calendar in AVImark. This calendar provides an overview of all boarding reservations and helps manage the boarding schedule efficiently. Users can view, modify, or create new boarding reservations using this shortcut.
Client Area Shortcuts
1. F2: New client
Pressing F2 allows you to quickly create a new client record in AVImark. This shortcut saves time by bypassing the need to navigate through menus and options manually.
2. F3: Change client
By pressing F3, you can easily switch between different client records within AVImark. This shortcut is particularly useful when you need to access information for multiple clients without having to search for them individually.
3. F4: Remove client
The F4 shortcut enables you to delete a client record from AVImark. However, it is important to exercise caution when using this shortcut as it permanently removes the client’s data from the system.
4. F5: Client notes
Pressing F5 allows you to view and edit the notes associated with a specific client. This feature is helpful for keeping track of important information or instructions related to a particular client’s care.
5. F8: Post (Create Invoice)
The F8 shortcut is used to create an invoice for a client in AVImark. By pressing this key, you can quickly generate an invoice based on the services provided or products sold.
6. F10: Accounting
Pressing F10 opens the accounting section within AVImark, providing access to financial information and reports related to the selected client.
7. Ctrl + F2: Close client
The Ctrl + F2 shortcut allows you to close the currently open client record in AVImark. This action helps in organizing your workspace and navigating between different clients efficiently.
8. ↑ Shift + F5: Invoice instructions
This combination of keys displays the invoice instructions for the selected client. Invoice instructions often contain specific billing preferences or additional information required for invoicing purposes.
9. ↑ Shift + Ctrl + F8: Pre-Invoice
By using this keyboard shortcut, you can access the pre-invoice section in AVImark. Pre-invoices allow you to review and modify charges before finalizing an invoice.
10. Ctrl + F9: Client more stuff
Pressing Ctrl + F9 opens a menu that provides access to additional options and features related to the selected client. This shortcut is useful for accessing less frequently used functions quickly.
Patient Area Shortcuts
1. F2 – New patient
Pressing the F2 key allows users to quickly create a new patient record in AVImark. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus and provides a convenient way to start entering information for a new patient.
2. F3 – Change patient
The F3 key is used to switch between different patient records within AVImark. By pressing F3, users can easily access and edit the details of a specific patient without having to manually search for them.
3. F4 – Remove patient
When a patient record is no longer needed or becomes irrelevant, the F4 key can be used to remove it from AVImark. This shortcut helps maintain a clean and organized database by swiftly deleting unnecessary patient records.
4. F5 – Patient notes:
Pressing F5 opens the patient notes section in AVImark, allowing users to view and add important notes related to a specific patient’s medical history, treatments, or any other relevant information. This feature enables efficient communication and collaboration among veterinary staff members.
5. F6 – Check-in patient:
The F6 key is used to check-in a patient when they arrive at the veterinary clinic or hospital. By pressing F6, users can update the status of the patient in AVImark, indicating their presence and initiating the necessary procedures for examination or treatment.
6. F7 – Choose patient:
When multiple patients are present in AVImark, pressing F7 brings up a list of all active patients, allowing users to select the desired patient quickly. This shortcut simplifies the process of switching between patients and accessing their respective records.
7. F8 – Post (Create Invoice):
The F8 key is used to create an invoice for a specific patient in AVImark. By pressing F8, users can generate an invoice that includes the services provided, medications prescribed, and any other charges associated with the patient’s visit.
8. Ctrl + F6 – Chart:
Pressing Ctrl + F6 opens the patient’s medical chart in AVImark. The medical chart contains comprehensive information about the patient’s health history, diagnoses, treatments, and other relevant details. This shortcut provides quick access to critical medical information.
9. Ctrl + F10 – e-Travel Sheet:
The combination of Ctrl + F10 opens the e-Travel Sheet feature in AVImark. The e-Travel Sheet allows users to create and print travel documents for patients who require transportation or need to comply with specific regulations when traveling.
10. ↑ Shift + F5 – Invoice instructions:
By pressing Shift + F5 and then the up arrow key, users can access invoice instructions in AVImark. This feature provides guidance on how to create accurate and detailed invoices, ensuring proper billing procedures are followed.
Patient Area – Reminder tab Shortcuts
1. F2 – New patient
Pressing the F2 key allows users to quickly create a new patient record in AVImark. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus and provides a convenient way to start entering information for a new patient.
2. F3 – Change patient
The F3 key is used to switch between different patient records within AVImark. By pressing F3, users can easily access and edit the details of a specific patient without having to manually search for them.
3. F4 – Remove patient
When a patient record is no longer needed or becomes irrelevant, the F4 key can be used to remove it from AVImark. This shortcut helps maintain a clean and organized database by swiftly deleting unnecessary patient records.
4. F6 -Show all reminders:
Pressing F6 in AVImark’s patient area displays all active reminders for the selected patient. Reminders are used to keep track of upcoming appointments, vaccinations, medication schedules, and other important events related to the patient’s care. This shortcut provides quick access to view and manage these reminders efficiently.
5. Shift + F8 -Post reminder:
The Shift + F8 key combination allows users to post a new reminder for the selected patient. By pressing this shortcut, users can open a dialog box where they can specify the details of the reminder, such as the type, due date, and associated notes. This shortcut is useful for creating reminders on the fly without navigating through multiple menus.
Patient Area – Follow ups tab Shortcuts
1. F2 – New patient
Pressing the F2 key allows users to quickly create a new patient record in AVImark. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus and provides a convenient way to start entering information for a new patient.
2. F3 – Change patient
The F3 key is used to switch between different patient records within AVImark. By pressing F3, users can easily access and edit the details of a specific patient without having to manually search for them.
3. F4 – Remove patient
When a patient record is no longer needed or becomes irrelevant, the F4 key can be used to remove it from AVImark. This shortcut helps maintain a clean and organized database by swiftly deleting unnecessary patient records.
Patient Area -Ownership tab Shortcuts
1. F2 – New patient
Pressing the F2 key allows users to quickly create a new patient record in AVImark. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus and provides a convenient way to start entering information for a new patient.
2. F3 – Change patient
The F3 key is used to switch between different patient records within AVImark. By pressing F3, users can easily access and edit the details of a specific patient without having to manually search for them.
3. F4 – Remove patient
When a patient record is no longer needed or becomes irrelevant, the F4 key can be used to remove it from AVImark. This shortcut helps maintain a clean and organized database by swiftly deleting unnecessary patient records.
Patient Area -Schedule tab Shortcuts
1. F2 – New:
The F2 key in AVImark is used to create a new patient record. When pressed, it opens a blank patient information form where you can enter details such as the patient’s name, species, breed, age, and medical history. This shortcut allows for quick and easy creation of new patient records without the need to navigate through multiple menus.
2. F3 – Change:
The F3 key is used to modify existing patient records. By selecting a patient and pressing F3, you can access and edit their information. This shortcut is particularly useful when there is a need to update patient details or make changes to their medical history or treatment plans.
3. F4 – Remove:
The F4 key is used to remove a patient from the system. When pressed, it prompts a confirmation dialog box asking if you want to delete the selected patient’s record permanently. This shortcut provides a quick way to remove patients who are no longer active or have been entered mistakenly.
4. F5 – Appointment notes:
The F5 key allows you to add or view appointment notes for a selected patient. By pressing F5, you can access a text field where you can enter any relevant notes or reminders related to the patient’s upcoming appointments or previous visits. This feature helps in keeping track of important information and ensures better communication within the veterinary practice.
5. Alt + F10 – Whiteboard:
The Alt + F10 combination opens the Whiteboard feature in AVImark. The Whiteboard serves as a central hub for managing patient appointments, tracking their progress, and assigning tasks to staff members. It provides a visual representation of the daily schedule and allows for easy rescheduling or reassigning of appointments. The Whiteboard shortcut helps in quickly accessing this feature without the need to navigate through menus.
Medical history Shortcuts
1. F2 – New Medical History:
Pressing the F2 key allows users to create a new medical history entry for a patient. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus or use the mouse to initiate this action.
2. F3 – Change Medical History:
The F3 key enables users to modify an existing medical history entry for a patient. By pressing F3, users can quickly access and edit the details of a specific medical history record without having to manually search for it.
3. F4 – Remove Medical History:
Pressing F4 allows users to delete a medical history entry from a patient’s record. This shortcut provides a convenient way to remove outdated or incorrect information from the medical history section.
4. F5 – Notes for Highlighted Entry:
The F5 key is used to add or view notes associated with a highlighted medical history entry. This shortcut allows users to quickly document additional details or view any existing notes related to a specific entry.
5. F6 – Check-in Patient:
By pressing F6, users can check -in a patient directly from the medical history section. This shortcut simplifies the check-in process, saving time and reducing the need for manual navigation.
6. F7 – Open Treatment List:
The F7 key opens the treatment list, which displays all treatments associated with a patient’s medical history. This shortcut provides easy access to view and manage past treatments without navigating through multiple menus.
7. F8 – Post (Create Invoice):
Pressing F8 allows users to create an invoice based on the selected medical history entry. This shortcut streamlines the invoicing process by automatically populating relevant details from the medical history into the invoice.
8. F9 – Open Appointment Calendar:
The F9 key opens the appointment calendar, providing users with a quick way to schedule appointments for patients. This shortcut eliminates the need to manually navigate through menus to access the calendar feature.
9. F10 – Medical Condition (SOAP):
Pressing F10 opens the Medical Condition (SOAP) window, which allows users to document and track a patient’s medical condition using the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) format. This shortcut simplifies the process of recording and reviewing medical conditions.
10. Ctrl + F5 – Doctor’s Instructions:
The combination of Ctrl + F5 allows users to access and edit the doctor’s instructions associated with a specific medical history entry. This shortcut provides quick access to important instructions or recommendations from the veterinarian.
11. Ctrl + P – Show/Hide Amount:
Pressing Ctrl + P toggles the display of amounts in AVImark’s medical history section. This shortcut allows users to hide or show financial information associated with each entry, providing flexibility in viewing preferences.
12. Alt + F9 – Drug Label:
The combination of Alt + F9 opens the drug label window, which displays detailed information about a specific medication prescribed in a medical history entry. This shortcut provides quick access to medication details without navigating through multiple menus.
13. ↑ Shift + F8 – History Mode:
By pressing Shift + F8, users can switch to history mode in AVImark’s medical history section. This mode allows users to view all previous medical history entries for a patient in a chronological order, facilitating comprehensive review and analysis.
14. ↑ Shift + F10 – Zoom:
The combination of Shift + F10 enables users to zoom in on text within AVImark’s medical history section. This shortcut enhances readability and allows users to focus on specific details within a medical history entry.
Accounting Shortcuts
1. F2 – New:
Pressing the F2 key allows users to create a new entry in the accounting module. This shortcut is used when adding a new transaction, such as a payment or expense.
2. F3 – Change:
The F3 key is used to modify existing entries in the accounting module. By selecting an entry and pressing F3, users can make changes to transaction details, such as updating the amount or description.
3. F4 – Remove:
Pressing F4 allows users to delete an entry from the accounting module. This shortcut is useful when removing incorrect or unnecessary transactions.
4. F5 – Accounting Notes:
The F5 key is used to add or view accounting notes associated with a specific transaction. By selecting an entry and pressing F5, users can access additional information or add notes for future reference.
5. F6 – Show Detail:
Pressing F6 displays detailed information about a selected transaction in the accounting module. This shortcut provides a quick overview of all relevant details, such as date, amount, description, and any associated notes.
6. F8 – New Invoice:
The F8 key is used to create a new invoice directly from the accounting module. By pressing F8, users can quickly generate an invoice for services rendered or products sold.
7. Shift + F8 – Calculator:
Pressing Shift + F8 opens a calculator within the accounting module. This feature allows users to perform basic calculations without leaving the software.
8. Shift + Ctrl + F8 – Pre-Invoice:
The Shift + Ctrl + F8 shortcut is used to create a pre-invoice in AVImark’s accounting module. Pre-invoices are useful for estimating costs or creating draft invoices before finalizing them.
Appointment calendar Shortcuts
1. F2 – New:
Pressing F2 allows users to create a new appointment within the AVImark appointment calendar. This shortcut is particularly useful when there is a need to schedule a new appointment quickly without having to navigate through multiple menus.
2. F3 – Change:
The F3 key enables users to modify an existing appointment in the AVImark appointment calendar. By selecting an appointment and pressing F3, users can easily make changes such as adjusting the time, date, or associated client or patient information.
3. F4 – Remove:
Pressing F4 allows users to remove or delete an appointment from the AVImark appointment calendar. This shortcut comes in handy when there is a need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, removing it from the calendar entirely.
4. F5 – Notes:
The F5 key provides quick access to add or view notes associated with an appointment in the AVImark appointment calendar. Users can utilize this shortcut to document important information related to a specific appointment, such as special instructions or reminders.
5. F6 – Patient (must highlight on a patient):
When a patient is selected or highlighted within the AVImark appointment calendar, pressing F6 allows users to directly access the patient’s record. This shortcut eliminates the need for manual navigation through menus and provides instant access to patient-specific information.
6. F7 – Choose client:
The F7 key enables users to select or choose a client associated with an appointment in the AVImark appointment calendar. By pressing F7, users can quickly search for and select the appropriate client without leaving the calendar interface.
7. F8 – Check-in:
Pressing F8 allows users to check-in a patient for their appointment directly from the AVImark appointment calendar. This shortcut streamlines the check-in process, eliminating the need to navigate to separate check-in menus.
8. F9 – Toggle CID/Appointment calendar:
The F9 key serves as a toggle between the CID (Clinical Information Display) and the appointment calendar within AVImark. This shortcut allows users to switch between different views, providing quick access to either the clinical information or the appointment schedule.
9. F11 – Refresh:
The F11 key triggers a refresh of the AVImark appointment calendar, updating the display to reflect any recent changes or additions made by other users. This shortcut ensures that users have the most up-to-date information without manually refreshing the calendar.
Boarding Calendar Shortcuts
1. F2 – New:
Pressing the F2 key allows users to create a new boarding appointment on the calendar. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus or use the mouse, providing a quick way to add appointments.
2. F3 – Change:
The F3 key is used to modify existing boarding appointments on the calendar. By selecting an appointment and pressing F3, users can easily make changes such as adjusting the duration, updating notes, or modifying other details associated with the appointment.
3. F4 – Remove:
Pressing F4 enables users to delete a selected boarding appointment from the calendar. This shortcut helps in quickly removing appointments that are no longer needed or have been scheduled incorrectly.
4. F5 – Boarding notes:
The F5 key allows users to access and edit boarding notes associated with a selected appointment on the calendar. This shortcut provides a convenient way to view or update important information related to boarding services.
5. F6 – Go to Patient:
Pressing F6 takes users directly to the patient record associated with a selected boarding appointment on the calendar. This shortcut enables quick access to patient details, medical history, and other relevant information without having to search for it manually.
6. F9 – Go to appointment calendar:
The F9 key is used to switch from the boarding calendar view to the general appointment calendar view in AVImark. This shortcut helps users navigate between different sections of the software seamlessly.
7. F10 – Go To date:
Pressing F10 allows users to jump to a specific date on the boarding calendar. By entering the desired date, users can quickly navigate to a particular day, saving time and effort.
8. F11 – Refresh:
The F11 key is used to refresh the boarding calendar, updating it with any recent changes or new appointments. This shortcut ensures that users have the most up-to-date information displayed on their screen.
9. Alt + F10 – Whiteboard:
Pressing Alt + F10 opens the whiteboard feature in AVImark. The whiteboard provides an overview of all boarded patients and their current status. This shortcut allows users to access this information directly from the boarding calendar.
10. Space – Bring to Front (stacked appointments):
When multiple appointments are stacked on top of each other on the boarding calendar, pressing the Space key brings the selected appointment to the front, making it easier to view and work with.
11. ↑ – Shift + F9 – Toggle CID/Boarding calendar:
This shortcut combination toggles between displaying the CID (Client Information Display) and the boarding calendar views. It allows users to switch between these two modes quickly, depending on their needs.
12. Alt + F10 – Whiteboard (only if patient checked into boarding):
Similar to the previous Alt + F10 shortcut, this combination opens the whiteboard feature but only when a patient is checked into boarding. It provides a convenient way to access the whiteboard specifically for boarded patients.
Users & Security Shortcuts
1. F2 -New
Pressing the F2 key in the “Users and Security” section allows users to create a new user or security group. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus and provides a quick way to initiate the creation process.
2. F3 -Change
The F3 key is used to modify existing user or security group settings in AVImark’s “Users and Security” section. By pressing F3, users can access the editing interface directly, saving time and effort compared to manual navigation.
3. F4 -Remove
Pressing F4 enables users to delete a selected user or security group from AVImark’s system. This shortcut streamlines the removal process, preventing the need for multiple steps or menu navigation.
4. Shift + F2 -Another
The combination of Shift + F2 allows users to create another user or security group without closing the current creation window. This shortcut is particularly useful when multiple users or groups need to be added consecutively, eliminating the need to reopen the creation interface each time.
Treatment List Shortcuts
1. F2 – New:
Pressing the F2 key allows users to create a new treatment entry in the Treatment List. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus or use the mouse to initiate a new treatment record.
2. F3 – Change:
The F3 key is used to modify an existing treatment entry in the Treatment List. By selecting a treatment and pressing F3, users can quickly access and edit the details of that particular treatment without having to search for it manually.
3. F4 – Remove:
Pressing F4 enables users to delete a selected treatment entry from the Treatment List. This shortcut provides a convenient way to remove unnecessary or incorrect treatments without requiring additional steps.
4. F11 – Refresh:
The F11 key is used to refresh the Treatment List, ensuring that any recent changes or updates made by other users are reflected in real-time. This shortcut helps maintain accurate and up-to-date information within the Treatment List.
5. Shift + F2 – Another:
Pressing Shift + F2 allows users to duplicate an existing treatment entry in the Treatment List. This shortcut is useful when multiple treatments with similar details need to be added, saving time by avoiding manual data entry.
6. Ctrl + A – Select All:
The Ctrl + A combination selects all treatments in the Treatment List simultaneously. This shortcut is handy when performing bulk actions such as deleting multiple treatments or applying changes to all selected entries.
7. Ctrl + Alt + H – Entry History:
Pressing Ctrl + Alt + H opens the Entry History window, which displays a log of all changes made to a selected treatment entry. This shortcut provides a quick way to review the modification history and track any updates or adjustments made to a treatment.
8. Ctrl + Z – Undo:
The Ctrl + Z combination allows users to undo the most recent action performed in the Treatment List. This shortcut is particularly useful when an unintended change or deletion needs to be reversed quickly.
9. Shift + Ctrl + Z – Redo:
Pressing Shift + Ctrl + Z redo the previously undone action in the Treatment List. This shortcut is helpful when users want to revert their undo action or restore a change that was mistakenly undone.
10. Shift + Ctrl + P – Show/Hide Preview:
The Shift + Ctrl + P combination toggles the visibility of the Preview pane in the Treatment List. This shortcut allows users to hide or display the preview area, providing more screen space for other information if needed.
11. Shift + Ctrl + G – Show/Hide Group Panel:
Pressing Shift + Ctrl + G shows or hides the Group Panel in the Treatment List. This shortcut is beneficial when users want to focus on individual treatments and remove the grouping functionality temporarily.
Inventory List Shortcuts
1. F2 – New:
Pressing the F2 key allows users to create a new treatment entry in the Treatment List. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus or use the mouse to initiate a new treatment record.
2. F3 – Change:
The F3 key is used to modify an existing treatment entry in the Treatment List. By selecting a treatment and pressing F3, users can quickly access and edit the details of that particular treatment without having to search for it manually.
3. F4 – Remove:
Pressing F4 enables users to delete a selected treatment entry from the Treatment List. This shortcut provides a convenient way to remove unnecessary or incorrect treatments without requiring additional steps.
4. F11 – Refresh:
The F11 key is used to refresh the Treatment List, ensuring that any recent changes or updates made by other users are reflected in real-time. This shortcut helps maintain accurate and up-to-date information within the Treatment List.
5. Shift + F2 – Another:
Pressing Shift + F2 allows users to duplicate an existing treatment entry in the Treatment List. This shortcut is useful when multiple treatments with similar details need to be added, saving time by avoiding manual data entry.
6. Ctrl + A – Select All:
The Ctrl + A combination selects all treatments in the Treatment List simultaneously. This shortcut is handy when performing bulk actions such as deleting multiple treatments or applying changes to all selected entries.
7. Ctrl + Alt + H – Entry History:
Pressing Ctrl + Alt + H opens the Entry History window, which displays a log of all changes made to a selected treatment entry. This shortcut provides a quick way to review the modification history and track any updates or adjustments made to a treatment.
8. Ctrl + Z – Undo:
The Ctrl + Z combination allows users to undo the most recent action performed in the Treatment List. This shortcut is particularly useful when an unintended change or deletion needs to be reversed quickly.
9. Shift + Ctrl + Z – Redo:
Pressing Shift + Ctrl + Z redo the previously undone action in the Treatment List. This shortcut is helpful when users want to revert their undo action or restore a change that was mistakenly undone.
10. Shift + Ctrl + P – Show/Hide Preview:
The Shift + Ctrl + P combination toggles the visibility of the Preview pane in the Treatment List. This shortcut allows users to hide or display the preview area, providing more screen space for other information if needed.
11. Shift + Ctrl + G – Show/Hide Group Panel:
Pressing Shift + Ctrl + G shows or hides the Group Panel in the Treatment List. This shortcut is beneficial when users want to focus on individual treatments and remove the grouping functionality temporarily.
Information Search/Library Shortcuts
1. F2: New
When you press F2, it allows you to create a new record or entry in the information search or library section of AVImark. This shortcut saves time by eliminating the need to navigate through menus manually.
2. F4: Remove
This shortcut is used to delete or remove a selected record or entry from the information search or library section. It provides a quick way to eliminate unnecessary or outdated information without having to go through multiple steps.
3. F6: Choose
By pressing F6, users can select or choose a specific record or entry from a list of available options. This shortcut simplifies the process of selecting desired information without relying on mouse clicks or scrolling.
4. F7:Remove”
In AVImark’s information search/library section as well. However, it differs from the F4 key in that it removes multiple selected records or entries simultaneously. This shortcut is particularly useful when dealing with bulk removals, saving time and effort.
Problem List Shortcuts
1. F2 – New:
Pressing F2 allows users to create a new problem entry in the problem list. This shortcut is useful when adding a new issue or concern for a patient.
2. F3 – Change:
The F3 key enables users to modify an existing problem entry in the problem list. By selecting a specific problem and pressing F3, users can make necessary changes or updates to the selected problem.
3. F4 – Remove:
Pressing F4 allows users to remove or delete a selected problem from the problem list. This shortcut is helpful when a problem has been resolved or is no longer relevant.
4. F5 – Notes (must select a problem):
The F5 key opens the notes section for the selected problem in the problem list. Users can input additional details, comments, or observations related to the selected problem using this shortcut.
5. F11 – Refresh:
Pressing F11 refreshes the current view or screen in AVImark, ensuring that any recent changes or updates are displayed accurately.
6. Ctrl + A – Select All:
The Ctrl + A combination selects all items or text within the current view or screen. This shortcut can be used to quickly select multiple problems in the problem list.
7. Ctrl + Alt + H – Entry history:
Using Ctrl + Alt + H displays the entry history for the selected problem in the problem list. This feature provides a chronological record of changes made to a particular problem entry.
8. Ctrl + Z – Undo:
The Ctrl + Z combination undoes the most recent action performed in AVImark. This shortcut is useful when an unintended change has been made and needs to be reversed.
9. ↑ Shift + F2 – Another (must select a problem):
Pressing ↑ Shift + F2 allows users to create another problem entry in the problem list. This shortcut is particularly helpful when multiple issues need to be added consecutively.
10. ↑ Shift + Ctrl + Z – Redo:
The ↑ Shift + Ctrl + Z combination redoes the most recently undone action in AVImark. This shortcut is used to reverse the effects of the undo command.
11. ↑ Shift + Ctrl + P – Show/Hide Preview:
Using ↑ Shift + Ctrl + P displays or hides the preview pane in AVImark. This feature allows users to view additional details or information about a selected problem without navigating away from the problem list.
12. ↑ Shift + Ctrl + G – Show/Hide Group Panel:
Pressing ↑ Shift + Ctrl + G shows or hides the group panel in AVImark. The group panel organizes problems into different categories or groups, providing a more organized view of the problem list.
Diagnosis List Shortcuts
1. F2 (New):
Pressing the F2 key allows users to create a new diagnosis entry in the Diagnosis List. This shortcut is useful when adding new diagnoses or conditions for patients.
2. F3 (Change):
The F3 key enables users to modify an existing diagnosis entry in the Diagnosis List. By selecting a diagnosis and pressing F3, users can edit the details or update the information associated with that particular diagnosis.
3. F4 (Remove):
Pressing F4 allows users to remove a selected diagnosis entry from the Diagnosis List. This shortcut is handy when deleting diagnoses that are no longer relevant or necessary.
4. F5 (Instructions):
The F5 key provides access to instructions or additional details associated with a selected diagnosis in the Diagnosis List. By selecting a diagnosis and pressing F5, users can view any specific instructions or notes related to that diagnosis.
5. F11 (Refresh):
The F11 key refreshes the Diagnosis List, ensuring that any recent changes or updates made by other users are reflected in real-time.
6. Ctrl + A (Select All):
This keyboard shortcut selects all diagnoses listed in the Diagnosis List simultaneously. It is useful when performing bulk actions or applying changes to multiple diagnoses at once.
7. Ctrl + Alt + H (Entry History):
Pressing Ctrl + Alt + H opens the Entry History window, which displays a log of all changes made to a selected diagnosis entry over time. This feature helps track modifications and provides an audit trail for diagnostic information.
8. Ctrl + Z (Undo):
The Ctrl + Z shortcut allows users to undo their most recent action within the Diagnosis List. It is helpful when correcting mistakes or reverting changes made unintentionally.
9. ↑ + Shift + F2 (Another – must select a problem):
This combination of keys allows users to create another diagnosis entry in the Diagnosis List. It is necessary to select an existing diagnosis before using this shortcut.
10. ↑ + Shift + Ctrl + Z (Redo):
Pressing the combination of ↑ + Shift + Ctrl + Z redo the most recent undone action within the Diagnosis List. This shortcut is useful when reapplying changes that were previously undone.
11. ↑ + Shift + Ctrl + P (Show/Hide Preview):
The combination of ↑ + Shift + Ctrl + P shows or hides the preview pane in the Diagnosis List. This pane provides a detailed view of a selected diagnosis, including associated instructions and notes.
12. ↑ + Shift + Ctrl + G (Show/Hide Group Panel):
Pressing the combination of ↑ + Shift + Ctrl + G shows or hides the group panel in the Diagnosis List. The group panel allows users to organize diagnoses into different categories or groups for easier management and navigation.
Q & A Maintenance Shortcuts
1. F2 – New:
Pressing the F2 key allows users to create a new Q & A entry in AVImark’s Q & A Maintenance module. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus or use the mouse to initiate a new entry.
2. F3 – Change:
The F3 key is used to modify an existing Q & A entry. By selecting an entry and pressing F3, users can quickly access and edit the content of that particular question and answer pair.
3. F4 – Remove:
Pressing F4 enables users to delete a selected Q & A entry from the database. This shortcut provides a convenient way to remove outdated or irrelevant information without having to navigate through menus or use the mouse.
4. F5 – Notes:
The F5 key is used to add or view additional notes related to a specific Q & A entry. By selecting an entry and pressing F5, users can access a separate window where they can input or review supplementary information.
5. F11 – Refresh:
Pressing F11 triggers a refresh action within the Q & A Maintenance module. This shortcut updates the display and ensures that any recent changes made by other users or processes are reflected in real-time.
6. Ctrl + A – Select All:
The combination of Ctrl (Control) and A keys allows users to select all Q & A entries within the current view. This shortcut is particularly useful when performing bulk actions such as copying, deleting, or exporting multiple entries simultaneously.
7. Ctrl + Alt + H – Entry History:
Pressing Ctrl (Control), Alt, and H keys simultaneously opens the Entry History window. This feature provides a detailed log of all changes made to a specific Q & A entry, including the date, time, and user responsible for each modification.
8. Ctrl + P – Print:
The combination of Ctrl (Control) and P keys initiates the printing process for the selected Q & A entry or entries. This shortcut allows users to generate hard copies of relevant information for reference or sharing purposes.
Estimate Maintenance Shortcuts
1. F2 – New:
Pressing the F2 key allows you to create a new estimate entry. This shortcut saves you time by directly opening a new estimate window, where you can enter all the necessary details for the estimate.
2. F3 – Change:
The F3 key is used to modify an existing estimate entry. By selecting an estimate entry and pressing F3, you can make changes to the estimate, such as updating prices, adding or removing items, or modifying any other relevant information.
3. F4 – Remove:
Pressing F4 allows you to remove an estimate entry from the system. This shortcut is useful when you want to delete an estimate that is no longer needed or has been created in error.
4. F5 – Notes (must select an estimate entry):
The F5 key is used to add or view notes for a selected estimate entry. By selecting an estimate and pressing F5, you can access a notes section where you can enter any additional information or comments related to that particular estimate.
5. F11 – Refresh:
The F11 key is used to refresh the estimate maintenance screen. This shortcut updates the screen and ensures that any recent changes or modifications made to estimates are reflected accurately.
6. Ctrl + A – Select All:
Pressing Ctrl + A selects all the estimate entries currently displayed on the screen. This shortcut is helpful when you need to perform bulk actions on multiple estimates simultaneously, such as printing or deleting them.
7. Ctrl + Alt + H – Entry History:
The combination of Ctrl + Alt + H opens the entry history for the selected estimate. This shortcut allows you to view a log of all the changes made to the estimate, including modifications, additions, and deletions.
8. Ctrl + Z – Undo:
Pressing Ctrl + Z undoes the last action performed in the estimate maintenance screen. This shortcut is useful when you want to revert any recent changes made to an estimate entry.
9. ↑ Shift + F2 – Another (must select an estimate entry):
The combination of Shift + F2 creates another estimate entry based on the selected estimate. This shortcut is handy when you need to create a new estimate with similar details as an existing one, saving you time by prepopulating certain fields.
10. ↑ Shift + Ctrl + Z – Redo:
Pressing Shift + Ctrl + Z redoes the previously undone action in the estimate maintenance screen. This shortcut is useful when you want to reapply any changes that were previously undone using the Ctrl + Z shortcut.
11. ↑ Shift + Ctrl + P – Show/Hide Preview:
The combination of Shift + Ctrl + P shows or hides the preview pane in the estimate maintenance screen. This shortcut allows you to toggle the visibility of the preview pane, which displays a summary of the selected estimate entry.
12. ↑ Shift + Ctrl + G – Show/Hide Group Panel:
Pressing Shift + Ctrl + G shows or hides the group panel in the estimate maintenance screen. This shortcut allows you to toggle the visibility of the group panel, which organizes estimates into different groups for easier management.
Follow-up list Shortcuts
1. F2 – New:
Pressing F2 allows users to create a new follow-up entry in the Follow Up List. This shortcut eliminates the need to navigate through menus and provides a quick way to add new follow-up items.
2. F3 – Change:
By pressing F3, users can modify an existing follow-up entry in the Follow Up List. This shortcut saves time by directly accessing the editing functionality without having to search for the specific entry.
3. F4 – Remove:
Pressing F4 enables users to delete a selected follow-up entry from the Follow Up List. This shortcut simplifies the process of removing unnecessary or completed follow-ups.
4. F8 – Post (must select a follow-up):
When a follow-up entry is selected, pressing F8 allows users to mark it as completed or “posted.” This shortcut helps in managing and tracking completed tasks efficiently.
5. F11 – Refresh:
Pressing F11 refreshes the Follow Up List, updating it with any recent changes or additions made by other users. This shortcut ensures that users have the most up-to-date information at their disposal.
6. Ctrl + A – Select All:
Pressing Ctrl and A together selects all entries in the follow-up list. This shortcut is convenient when performing bulk actions, such as marking multiple items as completed or deleting multiple entries.
7. Ctrl + P – Report:
The Ctrl and P keys together generate a report based on the selected follow-up entries. This shortcut allows users to obtain a printable summary of their tasks or reminders.
8. Ctrl + Z – Undo:
The Ctrl and Z keys together undo the last action performed in the follow-up list. This shortcut is helpful when users want to revert changes made accidentally or mistakenly.
9. Ctrl + Alt + H – Entry History:
Pressing Ctrl, Alt, and H together opens the entry history for the selected follow-up item. This shortcut provides a detailed view of the changes made to a particular entry over time.
10. Shift + Ctrl + Z: -Redo
This shortcut is used to redo an action that was previously undone using the “Undo” command. It allows users to reverse the effects of the last undo operation and restore the previous state.
11. Shift + Ctrl + P – Show/Hide Preview
By pressing this combination, users can show or hide the preview pane in AVImark’s Follow up list. The preview pane provides additional information about selected items, such as appointment details or medical records.
12. Shift + Ctrl + G:-Show/Hide Group Panel
This shortcut enables users to show or hide the group panel in the Follow up list. The group panel allows for grouping and organizing items based on specific criteria, such as status or category.
13. Shift + Ctrl + A: Expand all
Pressing this combination expands all groups in the Follow up list. It provides a quick way to view all items without manually expanding each group individually.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, keyboard shortcuts are a valuable tool in AVImark, a veterinary practice management software.
They provide users with quick and efficient ways to navigate through the software and perform various tasks. By memorizing and utilizing these shortcuts, users can save time and increase productivity in their daily workflow.
AVImark offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts for different functions such as searching for patients, accessing menus, navigating between screens, and performing actions like saving or printing documents. These shortcuts can be customized to suit individual preferences and can greatly enhance the user experience.